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Related article: the accidents are often due to impurities, so that only freshly made solutions of the crystallized alkaloid should be used, never of the amorphous. Old solutions of apomorphin acquire a deep green color, indicating some decomposi- tion. The emetic action may not be affected by this change in some samples, but Buy Motilium it is lost in others (Harnack, 1874). Chloromorphids. These are formed in the manufacture of apomorphin, if the action of the hydrochloric acid on the morphin is not carried sufficiently far. They are, there- fore, a frequent contamination of commercial apomorphin. They are chemically analogous to acetyl-morphin, being formed by the substitution of Cl for the OH group of morphin. Their pharmacologic actions are also similar Generic Motilium to those of acetyl-morphin (heroin), namely exaggerated morphin effects, with greatly increased toxicity, paralysis of respiration, and an antiemetic action (Harnack and Hildebrandt, 1911). These investigators hold these impurities responsible for the failure of emesis and the collapse. They may perhaps also explain the hypnotic action of Douglas. Dosage. For emetic effect, 5 mg. (J-f 2 g r -) r a t most 10 mg. (% gr.) of the crystallized hydrochlorid, in ^ to i Motilium Canada c.c. of water, Motilium Cost should be given hypodermically, and repeated in fifteen minutes if necessary. If the danger of collapse is apprehended, 2 mg. of strychnin Motilium Price sulphate may be added. As a nauseant expectorant, it Motilium Pharmacy is inferior to ipecac, but may be used by mouth, in syrup of citric acid, in doses of 2 to 10 mg. Q-Motilium Mg the vagus, vasomotors, other smooth Motilium Online muscle, striped muscle, and cardiac accelerator, as well as the nerve-centers, but its action does not seem to be absolutely specific. Magnus, 1905, found both stimu- lant and paralyzant peripheral effects on peristalsis. It has been used as expectorant, emetic, hypnotic, and cathartic (Fraenkel). Motilium Domperidone 442 MANUAL OF PHARMACOLOGY ASPIDOSPERMA (QUEBRACHO) The bark of Aspidosperma Quebracho-bianco, contains six or more alkaloids with very similar actions: fall of blood pressure, increased heart rate, clonic convulsions with muscular weakness, and a very great and persistent increase of the rate and depth of respiration. The lungs are markedly hyperemic (Harnack and Hoffmann, 1884; Wood and Hoyt, 1903; Wood, 1910). These actions are partly central, partly peripheral. Wood, 1908, attributes the respiratory effect to intense irritation of local areas of the lung, which is observable at autopsy. Motilium Generic The alkaloid quebrachin is mainly responsible for this Purchase Motilium effect. One of the alkaloids, aspidosamin, produces emesis; the others only nausea, with its usual accompaniments. Cow, 1914, finds that larger doses paralyze the nerve cells of the autonomic system, brain and spinal cord. Still larger doses paralyze the vagus, sympathetic and Motilium 10mg Domperidone motor endings, similarly to nicotin and curare. Death occurs by paralysis of the respiratory center when the motor nerves Motilium Tablets still respond to stimulation. Aspidosperma has been used as a respiratory stimulant in all forms of dyspnea and asthma. Its Motilium Buy irritant action on the lungs, and the great circulatory depression should be borne in mind. The dose of the fluidextract is i to 4 c.c.; of the amorphous aspido- spermin (a crude mixture), 0.06 to Motilium 10 o.i Gm.; of the crystalline (true) aspidospermin chlorid, 5 to 30 mg., at first every hour or two, then less frequently (S. Solis Cohen). PREPARATIONS ASPIDOSPERMA Aspidosperma, U.S. P. (Quebracho). The dried bark of Aspidosperma Quebracho- bianco. Dose, 4 Gm., 60 gr., U.S.P. Fldext. Aspldosp., U.S.P. Dose, 4 c.c., i dram, U.S.P. IPECACUANHA AND EMETIN General Statement. Ipecac, the root of a Brazilian plant, contains several alkaloids, of which two, Emetin and Cephaelin, produce nausea and emesis, by central and local action, without danger of side effects. The drug is therefore very useful therapeutically. Large doses produce specific effects in amebic dysentery. Systemic actions (central and cardiac depression; stimulation of smooth muscle) do not occur when the drug is administered by mouth, Order Motilium since there is but little absorbed. Nauseant and Emetic Actions. These are produced much more slowly than with apomorphin. In man, vomiting occurs only after one-half to one hour. The drug is therefore more useful as a nauseant expectorant than as an emetic. As Buy Motilium Online expectorant, the Syrup is used (i c.c.). An infusion, used as a gargle, has been recommended to avoid irritation of the stomach. For emesis, the powdered ipecac may be used, i to 2 Gm. in warm water, repeated in half an hour if necessary; or the Syrup (tablespoon for adults, teaspoon for infants, especially in spasmodic croup). It has some ad- vantage over the mineral emetics in that it causes less gastric irritation and less general depression. Location of Emetic Action. It has generally been stated that this is purely Motilium 10mg Tablets local, mainly because emesis occurs more promptly on gastric than on hypodermic adminis- tration; the efficiency of hypodermic administration being explained by excretion of the alkaloids into the stomach (Valenti, 1911) and intestines (d'Ornella, 1873). However, Eggleston and Hatcher, 1915, found that the emetic dose is nearly the same by either channel; moreover, they observed the occurrence of vomiting movements in eviscerated animals. It is clear therefore that the vomiting is of central origin; but because of the prompter action of the gastric injection, which was confirmed by these observers, it follows that the local action facilitates the emetic response. Emetin and cephaelin act alike, except that cephaelin is twice as active.